Branch 1


Under the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2000, around 3000 - destitute, delinquent and victimized -children are admitted here. They fall in the age group of 0 to 18 years. At any given point of time, there are 350 boys and 150 girls in the Home. It may be noted here that the children apprehended to this Home generally have background of street life and so are prone to very many ailments. Every child, therefore, needs thorough medical check up upon admission and treatment where needed. Many times, those who are affected with diseases of serious nature are to be given long term treatment. The Home has its own hospital, resident Medical Officer and Staff Nurses. Those who are affected with serious sicknesses are admitted to Municipal Hospitals for necessary treatment. For convalescence, the child is kept in the indoor hospital. In any case, once admitted to this Home, no child suffers from medical negligence.

Aimed at correction : not punishment :
Accrediting and building of self-confidence, encouragement and reassurance, emotional support and reality orientation are some of the Case Work Practice the trained staff of Children's Home consciously apply in the helping process. Games and recreational facilities too play a significant role in soothing of children's trouble mind. Regarded as the biggest Observation in Asia, nearly 2.5 lakhs children have passed through this Home since 1927. Every day, lost children are restored to their parents, those run away are sent back to their home towns however remote; delinquent children are released on bail or on probation of good conduct or sent to correctional institutions. The machinery works day and night throughout the year. One can very well imagine the plight of lakhs of children had the CAS not been in existence.

Contact Us at :
Observation Home Umerkhadi, Mumbai-400 009
Tel :-+91-022-23775895
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