CAS provided Sameer with education, shelter & wings to fly

There are many inspiring stories of orphanage boys who have overcome adversity and achieved great success in life. I feel I am one of them who is fortunate to have in the league of the them. My name is Sameer Kamble who was born in hutment area on the outskirt of the Mumbai Suburban which was declared by the society as the poorest area to be live in.

It all started suddenly when I was seven years old, I lost my parents as my father was a heavy drinker, a gambler who does not care for his three small kids. By living in hell with husband my mother ended her life as she was unable to bear humiliation from her husband, in laws and society. Then within a span of two years my father also lost his life because of his mental instability. Then my grandparent’s took the decision and decided to enrol us in an orphanage home due to their poverty and age. I got admission in the month of May 1979 in Bal Kalyan Nagari – Mankhurd.

Despite the difficult circumstances, I was determined to make something of my life. I worked hard in school and excelled in my studies. I was especially interested in science and technology and dreamed of becoming an engineer or doctor.

With the support of my teachers and mentors at the orphanage, I applied to some of the top engineering colleges in Mumbai. To my great surprise, I was accepted into one of the most prestigious programs in the city.

Over the next three years, I worked tirelessly to complete my engineering diploma. With my hard work and dedication, I graduated with first class.

After graduation, I landed a job at a leading engineering company in Mumbai . I quickly proved myself to be a talented engineer and was soon promoted to a leadership position. Over the years, continued to advance in my career, eventually I got the top positon in the company. Eventfully I got the opportunity of visit Italy, and Mauritius too.

Today, I am a successful and respected business person, known for my innovative ideas and my commitment to social responsibility. I am also an advocate for orphaned and underprivileged children, working to provide them with the support and resources they need to succeed Through hard work, determination, and the support of my community, I was able to overcome my challenging beginnings and achieve my dreams. My story is a testament to the power of education, mentorship, and resilience in the face of adversity.